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Customer Stories

Ankita Ramakrishnan

  • APM
  • Property Resources Corporation
  • New York, NY

Meet Ankita

Tell me about yourself and what you specialize in. I grew up in the Bay Area and double majored in City Planning & Legal studies at Berkeley and am currently getting my MRED from Georgetown while working at Lendlease. I typically gravitate towards interior finish construction with a focus on sustainability.

Why do you love working in the construction industry? In my opinion, construction tends to have some of the most passionate people who love what they do. That passion drives innovation and is a great environment for me to learn in.

What topics and trends are you most passionate about in the industry? The future of sustainable design! Being on a geothermal and LEED job has been so exciting and really sets the tone for future design and construction to be more focused on the environment in the future.

What advice would you give to the next generation preparing for the future of the industry? Book knowledge is helpful for starting your career, but being able to learn on the job, to take advice & use critical thinking skills will get you even further in the industry. And don’t be afraid to ask questions!

About Ankita

Your Superpower IT Wizard

What Motivates You Good coworkers and an iced latte

Tool You Can’t Live Without Bobby pin… it unlocks doors, fixes smeared caulk, screws in nails, and more… the ultimate multi-tool!

Best Artist/Song for Work Go - The Black Keys

Jobsite or Office Office for meetings and paperwork, jobsite for closing out tasks and coordination

More from Ankita

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